Friday, November 24, 2006

Welcome Sid

Hmm... I just told my younger brother that whatever you do should have a purpose! And I told him that similarly every blog should have a purpose. But is that true? Hmm... my apologies to lovers of logic and reason, but while we rant endlessly about reason, can anyone tell me for what REASON are we on this earth in the middle of nowhere in this meaningless Universe anyway... Be that as it may, let me asume that there might be some purpose which we all are unaware of. That reminds of that famous anecdote about Bertrand Russel and the taxi driver, who asked Russel this very question.. "Why are we here?" Russel failed to answer it in the 20 minutes that these 2 were together. Do we call the taxi driver foolish for asking such a difficult question and expecting an answer in 20 minutes? or do we just call philosophy a futile exercise, having no purpose but to just think vaguely! I mean isn't philosophy all about love for wisdom? What use is wisdom if it can't answer such a basic question? Somebody help me.. I am going in recursions and might get fits because of overload! But this is a dreaded question and all of us somehow have learnt to ignore it.

Was reading an article about Indian youth being the happiest. Survey conducted by MTV. Some guys said that success is important to us, some said spirituality is, while some said relationships, and the majority said money. No wonder they are happy, the youth is making easy money these days (BPO). No.. I won't screw the BPO's like everyone loves to. But success is so relative. I mean, for some success is about scoring with a chic or something!

I have found that it is the success-achievement-accomplishment trio which has lead to happiness for myself. I have repeatedly found that for me, success is achieving a goal. Hmmm.. but is it a goal I have set myself or which others have set for me? I thought of doing a CCIE (cisco certified Internetworking expert) just because "it is there".. as some friend of mine said.. Its true! more than wanting to be an expert at networking! I wanted to do CCIE because it is there.. and very few people manage to do it and it is very tough. So am I a typical 2nd hander from Ayn Rand's Atlas shrugged? Maybe..

I am a CCIP (Internetworking Profesional) now, and have decided to put on hold this whole CCIE thing until I find out the real purpose behind the whole thing!! Here we go again- "purpose". Anyway thats that.. Now that I am in Juniper, the biggest competitor of Cisco, I have changed my views a bit.. more about that in a different blog though. Now I am looking at exactly what I want to do.. will write again when I figure that out.

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