Monday, October 26, 2009

Right to Education for all children below 14

Right to Education for all children below 14

Siddharth Khadke
what about food and medicine?

Rajaram Gaunker
its not today cause .. food and medicine for all ..

Siddharth Khadke
just like an army cannot march on an empty stomach, children cant study when they are sick or hungry.

Rajaram Gaunker
Food and healthcare for everyone even if it with compromise of freedom and equality of more fortunates.

Siddharth Khadke
Lets assume a being, X finds "itself" on this planet. Doesn't justice (man made concept) dictate that it gets at least whatever it needs for basic survival? I would say that the fortunates are getting a good deal.
Freedom and equality are also man made concepts. The only natural concept is survival of the fittest, in which there are only 2 rights :-
1) anyone can attack anybody for anything.
2) anyone can defend anybody from anything.

Man made concepts are designed to make life comfortable for "everyone", so that we all have a better quality of life compared to the jungle. And as long as we are at it we might as well strive for better concepts. Maybe I should publish a paper on this.

Monday, June 22, 2009

the tide turns slowly but surely
don't care how much it snows or rains
when you are at it relentlessly
things do change no matter how much it pains

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Run to the hills, run for your lives

Non-professional runners running in a marathon is an interesting psychiatric reaction to some completely unrelated problem. It is frustrating when you can't do anything to fix your problems of social nature. You are tired of bomb blasts, don't know what to do? run. You are tired of eve teasing? don't know what to do? run. And surprisingly it works. The media covers these events, and maybe just maybe the tv cameras pick up the slogan on your t-shirt.

But the problem is that making others aware is just the start. Your job is not yet done. But all the running and hardwork makes you feel that you have done your part and you feel that now you can move on! Sorry guys it does not work that way. There is no tangible change.

I have asked this question on too.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


It looks like Obama is the only one who is unemotional and focused on "results" and "change" right now. Everyone else, especially the very people who support him and voted for him are consumed by an emotional tsunami. People are busy loving the thought that America finally has a black President. If anything they need to ask why is it so late. Instead of celebrating this in such an illogical way! Leaving all that aside, irrespective of whether Obama is white blue or black, I think the celebrations should wait until Obama executes his plans.

Hold your horses guys.. celebrating for no reason makes it cliched and it gradually looses meaning. Lets see a tangible change. Lets not forget what Obama keeps repeating. "Change". Lets judge him by that alone. Because, if we fall in love with the thought that humanity somewhere rose above illogical racial thoughts and chose the better candidate even though he was black, we are taking a very small step. The world still needs to be changed.

"The world does not change just becuase our perspective has" - Alan Kay