Sunday, August 31, 2008

choice != compromise, but compromise = poison

In human relationships "compromise" is often said to be an agreement that no party is happy with.

In the UK, Ireland and Commonwealth countries the word "compromise" has a positive meaning (as a consent, an agreement where both parties win something); in the USA it may rather have negative connotations (as both parties lose something). In the former Soviet Union, the word was rather unknown.

It is hard to find the difference between what is a choice and what is a compromise. Period. But try we must ;). I guess choice is the bigger word, in the sense that it encompasses compromise. That is, often you have to choose between your objectives/principles and a compromise. So in the face of making a decision, one must identify the options which are against his/her objectives/principles and rule them out first. There is always a choice other than the compromise (else recheck your principles, they might be wrong :) - as the USSR soon found out). But all credit to the USSR for they at least know what is wrong now.

This post is inspired by the movie "Rock on". Don't choose a compromise over your principles, however small and tiny-winy it might look. Would you taste poison just because the quantity does not matter?

Choice is the power every human has (in case you are stumped by my choice of saying "every human" instead of "each of us" in my blogs ... you might as well stop reading my posts). The architect of the matrix calls it an anomaly, because 1% of the human race chooses reality over his dreamland. "Causality is the only reality" - Merovingian, and the final cause, the purpose, is within us.