Friday, July 18, 2008

The human network

It is human to communicate. Period. If one is looking out for the best for himself, he can do it best by exchanging something of value with someone else. How can one not communicate in such a scenario. And yet it seems to screw my happiness? Am I the proverbial ostrich living in denial? Someone said today that when I get the .... I forget friends! Someone says that I am ignoring them! Damn. Yes maybe I am. But then would I be writing this blog if I did not really care?

Google giving me a tough time at work. A company like google has minted money out of interaction. Cisco is teasing us with their human network commercials. Nortel had to counter it with some strange cryptic ad, which does not really register, and is far from eye catching.

Why do I hate the mobile? Why do I set status messages on my gtalk but cringe when someone pings me? Why do I feel guilty when I am not working? I thought these things would pass. Anyways.. I wanna be aggressive now. Take things head on. And for that communication is key. And people will just have to get used to my me time.


Vips said...

Dude!! I was tempted to point out that You have become workaholic as u said u feel guilty while not working. But you know wat, even i feel a lil guilty but i dont see myself as workaholic yet. So i stopped myself from calling u that.

This phenomenon basically drives from the fact that we (at least I) haven't been able to chalk out a visionary mission and often find ourselves in circular motion. Though the periphery keeps getting enlarged but we intend to make it much more linear with good positive displacement.

And then there will be people ranting about something or the other for watever you do. So just damn it.

Akila said... you want to communicate or not?

mostly harmless said...

basically what I want to say sometimes to people is : "I know you don't like what I want to do, but I don't care!!!".

And I wan't to communicate, but I don't be surprised if I am unreachable sometimes.

I might have logged out of the Matrix. Yuck, I know its corny, but could not think of anything better.